Tonmawr Midnight Lace at Turnstone JW

'Todd' has followed his father Zola with a successful show career and became a successful stud dog. He has sired Best Puppies in Breed at Championship Show level as well as 2 winners at Crufts in 2010. Todd is now 12 years old and he has retired from stud duties.


Tonmawr Midnight Lace at Turnstone JW Ch Elvencharm Zola at Turnstone JW Ch Cobyco Cavalier Hillsdown Fergal
Oakbark Mistletoe and Wine
Turnstone Just for Fun Ch Walkabout War Waggon from Stormalong
Songthrush Saffron at Turnstone JW
Marchpast Chantilly Lace Avec Tonmawr Ch/Fin/Sw Ch Nevedith Veefa Vesper at Marchpast Ch/Aust/NZ Ch Nevedith Rare Rogue
Ch Nevedith Justa Jenie
Ch Nevedith Xfa Xtacy at Marchpast Ch Utterly Uppercrust at Dunaruna
Nevedith Justa Joy